‘I wouldn’t venture onto the tees without my MediBees!’
‘MediBee’s Pollen Capsules are the most helpful natural product for the outdoor life’ ..Mark Roe – Professional European Tournament Golfer
‘Years of itching - Years of NO RESULTS FROM DOCTORS!!!’
I am 81 years of age – have had every treatment for my condition from my doctor for over 5 years – and I mean EVERY TREATMENT! I read Honey by Gloria Havenhand – and I thought – I have nothing to lose – I will order the Propolis Cream!!
After a few weeks – Unbelievably – I am clear!!!
I want everyone to know just how wonderful Medibee Bee Products are!!!
Contact me if you wish, Medibee has my details...Mrs Satchwell, Nuneaton – aged 81
‘Just out of this world’
'Andy declares Medibee saved him
'My condition now undetectable'
'Wanted to leave country -
‘I’ve tried everything – with no success – so I expected nothing much from Medibee Propolis Cream. Wow – This stuff is truly marvellous. I still use it 2-3 times / week – just to make sure!..Christine Shaw – Stratford-On-Avon
'It's a Miracle just a miracle'
‘Never ever can I thank Medibee’s Bee pollen capsules enough.
I was ready to emigrate – I was in meltdown with this grim torture of hayfever every hour in summer. Iam 99% clear – thanks to Medibee’ John Krouse, Old Trafford, Manchester
‘Changed my Life!’
‘Struggled for 10 Years’
‘My religion follows the bee. I should have followed this advice earlier as I have been spending summer indoors. I come specially to Troway Hall to collect my Medibee Pollen Capsules in bulk and fetch all the family their most natural and delicious honey. All this has changed my life!!‘..Mr. I. Younis – Birmingham
‘Health Visitor in Better Health’
‘I am a Team Leader with a leading logistics company and look forward to Summer and my love of the outdoors. I cannot believe Medibee Pollen Capsules have totally changed my summers and life in general. I started to take 4 capsules daily in May 2007 and have hardly been affected since‘..Mr B. Maitland – Dunstable
‘Changed my summer’
‘I started taking Medibee Pollen Capsules for the first time at the beginning of May. At that time, I had severe symptoms. I now feel better than I have ever felt.
I cannot believe that I did not discover Medibees years ago! ..
Kate Hawksworth,Health Visitor,Langwith.
‘It’s Medibee for me!’
‘MediBee Pollen Capsules were recommended to me last year for the first time, they have changed my summers – my thanks ’ ..Mr Marriot, Camberley, Surrey
‘Super – absolutely super’
‘Toby Hawkins (6yrs) was persuaded to take Medibee Pollen Capsules, when his father had a hayfever-free season for the first time in his life (tried everything) whilst Toby was still spluttering, had swollen eyes and could not bear the family holiday in France.
Mother, Nicola exclaims ‘why isn’t everyone on these capsules – they are natural and do a fabulous job – at little or no cost in comparison to other inferior treatments’ ..Nicola Hawkins – Totley, Peak District.
‘This is my fifth year on your Pollen Capsules – I recommend them to everybody’ ..Mr D Melloy – Staffordshire
‘Cannot believe what has happened to me, I can now speak to people without being self conscious. I never expected the Bee Bioactive Honey to work as wonderfully as it has – but I still ensure that I have your honey every day of my life – thankyou Medibee.’ ..Mrs Carol Needham – Halfway, Yorkshire
‘I lost part of my big toe nail.
Nothing prescribed has worked – except Medibee’s marvellous Propolis Cream. The nail is improving.What a fantastic product – thankyou bees!’ ..Bridget Manning, Sheffield.
‘Amazing Freedom of Hayfever in London!’
‘Just had to tell you that the Best Summer for me is N-O-W! What a difference! Unbelievable for me – so come on all you Hayfever sufferers – Get Relief in the High Proportion that I am experiencing ! Thankyou Medibee – and all your Natural Bee Products!’ ..Simon Barber – Hoxton Square, London
‘I was badly asthmatic and hayfever too’
‘Being a young (21yrs) semi professional Trials rider – I couldn’t take any more. It was even worse trialling in other countries like France and Finland. I couldn’t see!
Medibee Pollen Capsules have saved my lifestyle- I recommend them to all my mates and even fellow competitors.’ ..Jordan Gould – a grateful Yorkshire Trials Biker
‘It is so damp in Cumbria - but your products are...’
‘Wonderful – just wonderful – with excellent ‘next day’ delivery service to boot!’ ..Mrs A Jamieson – B & B Owner, Keswick, Cumbria
' ‘They are out of this world’
‘My small son and I have taken Medibee Pollen Capsules with the most amazing results, I cannot praise them enough – they have changed my life’ ..Mrs Bayton – Abertillery, Gwent, Wales
‘What an immense difference...’
‘Had them last year – I’m back for more this year, your Pollen Capsules are working – I can tell you’ ..Mrs A Calley – Derbyshire
‘I would have given up my job without them’
‘This is my 5th year on your Pollen Capsules, they have been the ‘bees-knees’ for me and for keeping my job. The area grows a lot of rape – need I say more? Thankyou MediBee. ..Lynne Hartley – Farm Shop near J.30 M1
‘Not just very good...’
‘It’s worth the 250 mile journey to collect Medibee Pollen Capsules for hayfever from your bee centre’
R Brusell – Newmarket – Cambridgshire
‘Could not leave the house’
‘Previously I have spent summer months entombed in the house. Now I enjoy summer and am back for more Pollen Capsules this year’ ..Mrs N Staley – Beighton, South Yorkshire
‘They're amazing!’
‘Just amazing , I now go outside in summer – I can actually enjoy our beautiful countryside’.. Andrew Barker – Hertfordshire..
‘Bioactive Honey in Carlisle’
‘It’s so good, my local deli ‘The Laird’s Larder’ is now stocking it and all my friends rave about it. It’s tastier, cheaper and very health giving.’ ..Mrs V M Sunley, Harroby, Carlisle.
‘Medibee Bio Active Honey v Manuka 10...’
‘Medibee Bioactive Honey is 100% nicer in taste than Manuka – which I found to be sludgy in texture – is hard to swallow – nothing like the Medibee Bio Active Honey. Try Medibee Bioactive Honey – Same Antibacterial Rating as Manuka 10 – one third the price and absolutely d-e-l-i-c-i-o-u-s!’
Barbara Ferguson – Sheffield
‘Urination is much easier, can't believe it’
‘Bee Male is better than anything I have tried, I feel better and find that my days are far more relaxed, not having to worry about my internal water-works ’
Mr John Sharp – Killamarsh, Sheffield (Health & Management Manager)
‘The London Marathon’
‘I am a dispatch rider in London and have taken Medibee Pollen Capsules in all its forms for long term release of energy. I use Redbee and Bee Activ. It gives me the ‘get up and go’ for 4 to 5 hours – and it’s all from completely natural products. Thankyou Medibee’ ..Dave Walker – dressed as Spiderman in the LM.